This Thursday marks the closing day of our Resonate game jam. As the teams make a final push for the finish line, we’ve been getting tantalising glimpses of the creations they’re working on, and we’re already sincerely impressed.

The jam itself takes a fairly distinct approach. It is a mobile game design and development competition in the classic sense, but the focus is equally on exploring the non-interruptive and immersive potential of the audio ad format we’ve created. We wanted creative, innovative teams to investigate ways audio ads can monetise without intruding upon a game world; or even build on it. And they have been doing just that, with impressive ambition.

You can get an early peak at some of the games underway in this video. We haven’t seen any of the games in full yet, of course - that’s for when judging starts. But as a taste of what is possible with AudioMob, the teasers only add to our optimism about the future.

We’ve held this jam for a number of reasons. We know audio ads provide an impactful way to monetise mobile games without interrupting the player experience or jarring with the creative vision of a game. And within AudioMob, our heads have always been full of ideas about the diversity of interesting ways our technology can be used. But we wanted to see what develops themselves would come up with.

So the jam exists to explore and encourage creative, monetising uses of AudioMob - and in supporting the teams we’re learning a lot ourselves. It’s been a chance to see the diversity of ways in which the technology can be used, and we’re finding out what features are particularly popular, while getting a thorough test of our technology at the same time.

In organising the jam we focused to a degree on welcoming developers at the start of their career, student teams, rising talent and those pivoting to game development from other sectors. It’s been really encouraging to see those teams bring their distinct ideas to the table, and think both as game designers and growing businesses. Even before we’ve seen the final games, it feels like the future of games development is in safe hands.

Additionally, the community building around the jam had grown into something truly special. We’re absolutely keen to maintain that community, build on it, and support the jammers and community members long beyond the competition.

That community is open to everyone, whether you’re entering the competition or not - and whatever your experience; AudioMob is an opportunity for studios of every size. So if you're simply curious about AudioMob, considering ways to monetise your games, or just want to interact with like-minded mobile developers, please do head over to our Discord.